6 Week Fitness Challenge
Today I just contacted a local gym for a life changing experience. Last year I reached my goal of getting back in shape and reaching...
I love free stuff!
I received a free sample but the review is 100% honest. I received the 2N concealer and cashew foundation from @Influenster which is a...
Going through old photos
Just in time for a TBT!! I went over to my dads house the other day and found a hell of a gem!! Geez, my mom never understood how to keep...
Photographer Dilemmas
So many photographers now out there!! So many are "Faux"tographers and don't know what they are doing... they charge cheap and don't even...
Starting a blog!
Not sure if anyone will even read this or of you will read it thoroughly but what the heck... lets just start a blog. Maybe, just maybe...