Going through old photos
Just in time for a TBT!!
I went over to my dads house the other day and found a hell of a gem!!
Geez, my mom never understood how to keep that AfroPuff tamed!! Welp, pretty much I was the little girl all the kids made fun of. Frizzy haired, buck teethed, big eared, awkward tall skinny girl until I was in 7th grade. I was the girl all the little boys were scared of, only because when they made fun of me I’d chase and punch them.
I could still remember this one day I took $0.75 to elementary school and bought new scented pencils, I must’ve been in 4th grade. I had the pencils unsharpened and placed nicely on my desk, I was so happy with them. Now I can’t remember what was said but the boy who sat in front of me turned towards me, said something mean and when he was turning back again I took all three pencils one by one and broke them across the back of his head. I was sad after because I needed to ask my mom for another $0.75.
Fast forward about 24 years
I would’ve never guessed this would be my life now.